While discussing the exegetical nuances of Matthew 7:3-4, Dr. Hoehner
observes the "speck" in his brother's eye while pointing to the plank
in his own eye.
Dr. Harold Hoehner, a long-time GRAMCORD user and friend of the Institute,
was one of the Institute's original beta-testers and consultants for the
Accordance/GRAMCORD for the Macintosh project. Dr. Hoehner is
Professor of Greek and New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Dr. Roy Brown, President of Oak Tree Software Specialists, is the principal
author and engineer of the Accordance system. Dr. Roy Brown and Dr. Helen
Brown began working with the GRAMCORD Institute in 1990 to design a
powerful new research system for Greek/Hebrew/English Biblical studies
on the Macintosh computer.
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